Governing for Health Equity Framework

Achieving health equity requires transformation at individual, cultural, societal and systemic levels and this transformation needs to be grounded in the core concepts of Diversity, Anti-racism & Anti-oppression, Equity and Meaningful Inclusion. Putting all these core concepts into action through governance practices is the main focus of the Governing for Health Equity training.

The Governing for Health Equity training builds on the Inclusive Leadership training that was launched in 2018. Since then, the Alliance for Healthier Communities has completely updated the resources and content of these modules to go beyond diversity and inclusion and support Boards in building more inclusive organizations that are better equipped to advance health equity at every level of their organization, in their communities and at a broader system level.

Governing for Health Equity Framework

At the core of the training is the Governing for Health Equity Framework. The framework supports planning, monitoring and evaluation of on-going Board actions to advance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-racism and Anti-oppression. Each gear in the framework refers to a key role for Boards and demonstrates areas for advancing Health Equity on organizational and system levels. The framework also presents the practices that Boards of community-centred health and social services organizations need to adopt to advance health equity in their organizations and broader community. The training explores these roles and practices in depth.

What to expect?

This online, self-paced training includes five modules, each 50-60 minutes long, which can be taken individually or together as a group.

  • Module 1 Part I: Growing a Culture of Equity Leadership
  • Module 1 Part II: Growing a Culture of Equity Leadership
  • Module 2: Focus on Equity Governance Roles
  • Module 3: Focus on Community-centred Governance
  • Module 4: Focus on Board Membership and Authentic Engagement

An accompanying tool book includes additional resources, tools, reflection exercises and sample policies and templates.


The cost per Board is:

  • $750 for Alliance members
  • $900 for Community Health Equity Builders
  • $1000 for other community-centred health care and community services organizations

This cost covers access to the training materials for the entire Board for three years, which includes new governors who may join the Board during that time.

To register for the training, please go here.

For any questions, please contact